Member Area: Your Member Listing

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Please use the following form to add or update your public member listing—your name, bookcover, and/or website link that is viewable on the main public Members page. (Note that your email will never show on the site, it’s only requested in case we need to contact you about your entry.)

Adding yourself for the first time? Your entry should appear within 1-2 days (or as soon as a few minutes to an hour). Please be sure to double-check that all the fields are correct before you click “Submit Listing.” If you make an error, you’ll need to do a new entry and click the “I’m already in the directory . . .” checkbox. We’ll approve the most recent entry for inclusion on the site.

Updating an existing entry? Please be sure to click the “I’m already in the directory …” checkbox. Give us up to a week or so to moderate / approve the change.

If you need help, or have questions, please contact us.

Add or Update Your Member Listing

If you would like us to add a new book cover to your listing, please provide a URL where we can find it—for instance, a page on your author website, on your publisher's website, or on an online retailer's site.